Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Remember my Amateur Psychoanalysis of Halloween Costumes blog?

Browsing MSN I found this article titled, "Guy's Guide to Her Halloween Costume." Its a pretty short two pager.
"You can use her costume to figure out what she's really about! To help, we assembled a team of experts to give us their take on how to find a perfect match behind the mask."
Give it a quick read and tell me what you think.


Iris said...

Interesting. There are some similarities. I think you could have been part of the panel. Besides, everyone knows panel's work better in threes.

HektikLyfe said...

>Iris: Yeah! If a costume designer can be called an expert in Psychology, so can I!

Simply Andréa said...

Ok. I see what these judges are getting at but I don't neccassarily agree with them. To me, picking out a halloween costume isn't as complex as they made it out to be. And what about the costumes that were worn the previous years? or will be worn for future years? Are they a correct representation the wearer?
Maybe I'm reading into this too much.
If I were to pick my costume based on my personality, I would be probably be Hermione Granger from Harry Potter or maybe a sleepy librarian. Definitely not anything as sexy as cat woman.

Anonymous said...

I kind of agree with what they are saying in that article. I do think that what we wear does represent something about our personality. You've said it yourself, you don't dress "nice", you dress "comfortably". What that tells me about you is that you don't care if people think your dressing is hip or not, all that matters is that you yourself are comfortable.

But yeah, I agree with Andrea. This article takes it too far and makes it sound like the way I dress can help you figure out what my grand mother's name is. :P