Friday, September 30, 2011

A sensical blog about a worthwhile comic artist

Hello folks.  Recently I posted a .... ummm ... post complaining about comics and similar art.  Well I thought I would pop in and comment on one Artist that does NOT fall under the negative side of that art form.

Faith Erin Hicks is the artist and author of some very good online and print comics.  If you have any interest in comics I would wholeheartedly recommend you pop in and check out Friends with Boys or the Adventures of Superhero Girl.  Both of which she (and her publisher(s)?) kindly make available online for free!  I would post a sample but I don't know if she would approve of that.  I know follow through clicks are rare and thought a small sample would motivate you.

You can also buy original prints from her if you like her work.

Anyway I don't normally do this I know but I have been following her work for a while now and thought I would break my rule just once.

They are very interesting, funny and make for great Friday entertainment.  Have a great weekend everyone!